Tis The Season: Unwrapping The Data On Christmas Shopping

According to a recent study by the National Retail Federation, holiday spending in the United States is expected to reach a record $859 billion in 2023, a 6% increase over last year. With the holiday season fast approaching, it's time to delve into the data and uncover the trends shaping Christmas shopping this year.

**Online Dominance**

The surge in e-commerce has significantly impacted Christmas shopping habits. In 2023, online sales are projected to account for 48% of total holiday spending. Consumers are increasingly opting for the convenience, wider selection, and often lower prices offered by online retailers. Platforms like Amazon, Walmart, and Target are expected to dominate the online Christmas shopping landscape.

**Cyber Monday Mania**

Cyber Monday, the Monday after Thanksgiving, has emerged as one of the biggest shopping days of the year. In 2022, Cyber Monday sales reached $11.3 billion, a 5.8% increase from 2021. This year, retailers are expected to offer deep discounts and exclusive deals to entice consumers to shop online.

**Early Bird Specials**

To capture early shoppers, retailers have been offering holiday promotions since October. Black Friday and Thanksgiving sales are now starting earlier than ever before. By offering early bird specials, retailers aim to spread out spending over a longer period and reduce the last-minute rush.


Personalized shopping experiences are becoming increasingly important for consumers. Retailers are leveraging data analytics to create tailored recommendations, offer customized discounts, and provide personalized content. By understanding individual preferences and shopping history, retailers can deliver a more relevant and engaging shopping experience.


Consumers are increasingly prioritizing sustainability when making purchasing decisions. Retailers are responding by offering eco-friendly gift options, using sustainable packaging, and partnering with organizations that support environmental causes.

**Gift Cards Galore**

Gift cards remain a popular choice for Christmas shoppers. In 2022, gift card sales reached $62.8 billion, and this trend is expected to continue in 2023. Gift cards provide flexibility for recipients and allow retailers to capture sales even if shoppers are unsure of specific gift preferences.

**Inflationary Impact**

Inflation is a factor that consumers need to consider this Christmas season. With rising prices, shoppers may need to adjust their budgets and seek out more affordable options. Retailers are expected to offer value-oriented products and promotions to help consumers manage their holiday spending.


As the Christmas shopping season approaches, it's evident that the data reveals a dynamic and evolving landscape. From the dominance of online shopping to the rise of personalized experiences and the impact of inflation, consumers have a range of factors to consider when making their holiday purchases. By understanding these trends, retailers can tailor their strategies to meet the evolving needs of consumers and capture a significant share of the $859 billion holiday spending pie.