[Music] we're going shopping well we're going for
a browse but I'm here with my sister I feel like you've been quite these Vlogs I've been
in a few so I'm here with Nat and everyone's comments we have exactly the same voice yeah
but yes we are just waiting to go inside of selfridges look how busy already guys my gosh
are we feeling about Christmas-y slowly slow one this year isn't it but we're also going
to have a browse because it's this one's birthday in a couple weeks time or like a week's time
when you see this so yeah happy birthday to December birthdays oh we're gonna look at
bags later on actually I feel like we haven't said what we're gonna do we're going for a
festive lunch and we're gonna go for a browse look at some nice jewelry and maybe a little
bit into Harrods because the restaurant is next to Harrods have you seen my Selfridges
Vlog have you seen my Selfridges Vlog sure must confess Nat doesn't really watch my Vlogs
which is totally fine well I do when I have a minute because I move the camera a bit too
much no no I'm trying to get a bit better like I'm on my iPhone so yeah hopefully this
is okay we're just doing a bit of browsing looking at earrings and such they have so
much nice jewelry here I don't know if I've mentioned a vlog oh gosh I'm trying not to
wear Foundation by the way guys so I'm wearing like Tinted Moisturizer so you get to see
my real face but yeah I got my ears pierced probably quite a few weeks ago now I think
maybe one more week or so after you watch this I can change my earrings so yes I've
had the same earrings on in like the last like 10 Vlogs oh I didn't see this tree last
time I was in here Isn't that cool what's on it food egg and Spoon I'm confused what's
the theme should I get these do you know what these are I think these are the camera ones
oh are they Casey did a vlog yeah oh fancy I could be blogging oh my goodness there you
go then you wouldn't have to hold your phone 299 oh with the camera in wait yeah okay then
everyone will moan it would definitely be wobbly jumping up and down oh how cool is
my sister they actually I these are quite cool yeah I totally get these if I needed
lots of pairs birthday present yes 320 pounds bargain they've got Dior all over the lenses yeah
that's why I picked them oh that's really strange stylish Paris Hilton eat your heart
out makes you zizzy oh do I look like a school teacher a secretary they really suit you look at these are mesh it looks like you're
wearing a sieve it feels like I'm wearing a suit I don't get it I bet they're really
expensive actually oh wow oh okay we've just been browsing the handbags
sorry I forgot to show you but look it's not that busy this is pretty good it's a surprise
is Alto by San Carlo I've been there before it's like a rooftop restaurant it's okay it's
okay we're just a Tiffany I really like these earrings it's a bit flickery but do we like
those let's just ignore the price for a second and these as well oh it's so flickery sorry
guys we're loving these little pearly ones as well at the back oh like this camera is
not doing good job apologies look at these rocks for your ears waited a while to get
served so we came up anyway we're gonna go to New Bond Street [Music] and we're just
passing oh with a big truck Claridges oh look at the decorations they have an amazing Christmas
tree so I will definitely definaitely show you at some point we're trying to film the
nice shops for you see what I mean like sometimes look at this it's lorry they're everywhere
I can't see any I'm trying to get nice shots for you guys but yeah we're just going up
to new bond Street we actually did go to Primark and marks and Spencer's so it's like an hour
later and yeah we're just gonna go into Cartier because I want to have a look at something
we're going to Tiffany and then we will rush to lunch oh Louis has got Lego yeah you've
not watched my vlog [Music] now I know I've shown it before but we have Burlington arcade
which has now got a Babylon which is a new movie coming out overlay I'm gonna be honest
I don't know how I feel about Burlington arcade let me scoot around having like a oh not that
man sorry I'm having a movie every year so last year they had James Bond which I thought
was quite like on brand because it's like a gentleman area and it's like gentleman's
stalls in there so I don't know what's Babylon has anyone seen it let me know they're just
passing the Ralph store yeah there's so many deliveries here because people are just trying
to do their jobs but it's so cute down here you're gonna let the Cartier store Nat actually
saying that I'm going to insert either now or in a moment I'll come back at night and
show you Hannah from the night time here I think I said we were going to new old Bond
Street didn't I but no this is New Bond street so I'm gonna walk up to where I am in the
rest of this Vlog I feel like these ones are new it kind of looks like a peacock you can
almost stick a bit of a peacock's body on that couldn't you but yes new bond Street
has got lots of fancy stores yeah they've had crowns for quite a few years I feel like
maybe they've a little bit of a light update but I'm here on a Saturday night which is
a terrible idea Londoner would never also have not come in the way who i've come here
on a Saturday night but Fenwicks is looking gorgeous I do like the warm twinkly lights
although these don't really twinkle I like warm to cool lights what's your preference
and we did cross this window yes in the daytime but it looks really cute in the night time
Jo Malone oh wow that is really pretty with a bin Lorry in the background collecting rubbish
24 7 in London I swear even on a Saturday night but it's yeah it's cute it's nice and
magical down here look at Loewe look at these trees and then the world famous Sothebys the
auction house have got some lovely little trees outside as well I like those [Music] [Music] [Music] and just in time the little show [Music] [Music] [Music] it looks so cute we've just been ages
trying to get a photo I hope you appreciated the thumbnails guys but yes Tiffany I was
here a little maybe a couple weeks ago and they didn't have this little it's beautiful
what is that now like floral erm not floral a few birds not sure about the theme it's
not about Christmassy but they have the iconic Cartier where everyone's trying to get their
pictures it looks so cute everyone's got their coffees I would recommend what have we got
in Aid of the royal Marsden cancer charity oh that's quite cool you can scan make a donation
a minimum of 20 pounds is suggested foreign you sponsor a star oh I didn't explain that that well isn't that sweet a little Ralph
bear in there hiding it's very pretty all little bit closer what's this theme do
you think Nat I don't know it's pretty not sure on the relevance oh the
birds we're gonna have a quick look inside Tiffany
okay understandably we couldn't film in there but we're gonna grab a cab now this is good
this what is this video guys but we're going to show you the gorgeous Christmas proper
Christmasy restaurant that we're going to Stella McCartney always has kind of like old
school decorations it might be a bit flickery but it looks quite cute doesn't it through
the sunroof Nat we're trying to get the shot for you guys
with all the windows we were just saying I feel like this Vlog has turned into a little
bit of a taxi tour around London but the weather is so nice look at the sun the sun is shining
guess what there's a van and a bus in the way look at the Mandarin Oriental I really
like all the garlands so yes we're going to Harry's I'll show you in a second Harrod's
for the 10th time I think of vlogmas but I just have to show you this little area Walton
Place it's so pretty it's like something out of Parent trap isn't it look how Christmassy
it is look at the Christmas tree oh maybe we'll feel quite festive and you can sit outside
I think we're gonna sit inside I love it and yeah Harrods is literally there super cool so yeah we wanted to go somewhere just like
cozy yeah this is a cute Italian restaurant this top is from Karen Millen by the way but
I did buy it quite a few months ago I like the style of it it's really cool and you've
got lots of fun Italian pictures on the wall and yeah you can have a little side-by-side
date there it's really sweet it's a long and skinny restaurant we were saying always having
charger with me I definitely think I've got my money's worth out of this Belkin thing
but that aside let's have a look at the menu we are both gonna be good we're not we're
not drinking yet are we [Music] too hungry for alcohol but yeah I haven't had a drink
for a while in theory but if you are interested you can get a little prosecco for 9.75 what
else have we got a glass of white wine for kind of seven eight nine pounds it's pretty
standard prices for London red wine same again yeah I thought it was going to be crazy expensive
a bit of Rose oh those are the days I missed summer quite a lot cocktails yes sorry guys
we are being a little bit boring but the next we're going for a luncheon aren't we for your
birthday in a couple of weeks now so we will definitely have a drink exactly we're pacing
ourselves in December so yeah apple Spritz 10.75 I mean you can see the prices oh it's
a Harry Gary baldy that probably is quite nice Harry's twists yeah so you've got all
your kind of standards and it's just quite nice and chill in here but they do have non-alcoholic
cocktails at the back here smoothie yeah so you can get a Virgin Mary or Italian Virgin
Mary yeah virgin Bellini Etc so not too bad lots to choose from but I'm gonna look at
the food right we've just been analysing the menu you've got lots of nice little starters
and yeah anti pasti we were gonna I was thinking maybe we're doing like a lot of smaller plates
because I really wanted the carpaccio they have got some pizza so if you're coming
for a fancy Pizza I think they're quite reasonable actually this is an Italian so you've got
loads of different pastas there I always like to show you the prices of places guys and
then obviously a main course I'm kind of leaning towards a ribeye or a steak and then you have
got a few different sides as well and actually I would say versus other places these sides
are quite reasonable a lot of places now it's about six or seven pounds for chips so yeah
we'll see we might get only three chips in there okay we are both actually going for
Harry's ribeye I'm gonna go medium rare medium okay I was going to say well then I was going
oh no no no no offense to anyone but come on and then we're gonna get some broccoli
and some chips look at the stairs they have loads of cool pictures all the way up I love
the vibe of these types of restaurants oh cozy it's also a really small restaurant so
yeah definitely try and get a reservation it's cute and we did go for a Bread Basket
look at this are you excited for the bread we're really hungry we've let ourselves get
too hungry yeah I wonder what this is we'll find out
in a minute bread basket has gone down well oh my gosh this is so yummy we chose good guys I don't know if this is
coming out this smells insane so yeah it was like a Parmesan oh gosh I don't know you saw
the menu but some broccoli sorry I'm gonna film you I'm so excited I can't wait I'm gonna tuck in we are so full I will put
insert a picture now of the Toadstool pudding that we weren't gonna get but yeah we just
and that came to 100 pounds which I don't think is too bad it we're squeezing out feels
like you're a little bit like you're on a boat or a train along here it's cute and lunch is done and we're gonna pop over
to harrods and if you've watched my channel for a while you know we like to rate things
out of town sorry I feel like I've got a steak in my teeth now yeah stop not the vibe and
I've got a whole bread basket well you ate the whole bread basket we needed the carbs
we were a bit hungry right what would you rate that out of ten I would rate that seven
and a half I was gonna say seven I think it's nice but it's like service was nice our steaks
were good they were good they did the wrong way round which is totally fine real life
problems it's cute it's a really sweet restaurant in there yeah seven and a half it's good but
I think the hype on Tik Tok and to be seen there I don't really care I should imagine
they probably had some good wine but yeah this time yeah we weren't drinking but we
will be going out for another lunch in like a week's time so stick around anyway in Harrods
okay this has been a vlogging fail because I can't film in the like jewelry section so
just debating this is a bit self-indulgent whether I get a pair of like nice diamond
earrings oh not get squashed on the escalator or if I get one of the lady Dior bags I'm
not sure either way oh bye and for the 20th time here's the inside of Harrods and all
the Christmas decorations I feel like I have vlogged enough in this store for the rest
of the year like how busy it is ah it's so busy in here compared to selfridges yeah Selfridges
was pretty empty rammed right guess what guys we're in another taxi and I've got a little
present from my nieces Christmas tea towel Chris Moose and Hollie and Melee did that
the school it's so cute isn't it who needs diamonds yeah that's it when you've got Merry
Chris-Moose thanks and I think it's time to say bye what was
this video just us eating or looking at stuff hodgepodge I don't know I sometimes like videos
like that but anyway what do they need to do now like and subscribe yeah and I'm on
it don't worry yeah and actually like watch the videos anyway see you next time bye oh
Merry Christmas [Music]

As found on YouTube
