Christmas Gift Shopping for the First Time!
– Hey, Finn, can you provide Dada a hug? Provide me a hug, large hug,
Oh, I obtained one more big hug. Huge hug, ohhh! I like you individuals.
– Hey kids, exactly how'' s it goin '? – It'' s going all right.- We ' re obtaining like two or 3 a day.
With one layer? – 2.
– Two, okay.So, we need … It'' s most likely time for more children soon. – In the Spring– – Yeah, that'' ll be adorable. What ' s not doing great are starfish.
I'' m not rather certain why. – Yeah. – Yeah.
– Yeah. – Yeah. There we go, place the chair.
right beside the storage tank. I got all the food that you require to decrease in there right there. Kind of sprinkle it on the top and those fishies can start eatin''. There we go. Great job. I put on ' t assume they got the memorandum, though. (laughing) Oh, there they go. There they go. – Ooh, one just take place trip! – Yeah! (laughing) Look into this brand-new bubble reefs we have in here, you individuals. It'' s so great looking. So we gave them pellets and now I'' m mosting likely to squeeze in the worms and shrimp, simply a number of times in the storage tank, much like so. – Wait, do we have shrimp? – [Bryan] Yeah, there'' s bit items of shrimp in there. See, OJ'' s going for
it.There ' s Tina. (laughing) Oh, there'' s Ty and Lloyd and Pearl. -Hi! -Yeah. He truly likes the worms. – [Ollie] Yeah. – I love seeing him rush up on the sand like that. It'' s so charming.( laughing )And Pearl is getting actually large, too. (satisfying songs) So, yeah, that'' s a little upgrade on our fish. They ' re doing actually well, and it'' s been really fun to have fish that
have, like, a bit extra character which the kids enjoy and they can be associated with a little bit a lot more too. Oh, I simply saw him leap to, like, the top of the water.That was insane.-
Mmm, tasty. – Yeah, peanut butter jelly time. (laughing) Ollie stated, “” It'' s lunch time for the fish, “” so it'' s additionally lunch time for me.”” So I stated, “” Certain,”” and I.
claimed, “” What do you want?”” He wanted me to make him a.
peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Doesn'' t that look scrumptious? – Yeah! – [Bryan] Yeah, look.
(positive music) – Alright, where are we going today, or where are we going right currently, Ollie? – Christmas purchasing! Can you see it?
– Look! – Ollie'' s so ecstatic ' cause me and him are going Christmas. buying, and he claims he ' s never ever been Christmas purchasing prior to. Sure, we'' ve taken him a few.
times, yet we have a plan today. We'' re mosting likely to Toys “R”” United States,.
we'' re going to get a lot of our family kid offers done, and so he'' s thrilled to pick them all out.Who are you purchasing presents for today? -CJ and Billy and Peng-yu. – [Missy] Okay, and Liv,.
yeah, and Olivia and Emma. It'' s gon na be an enjoyable day, huh? Hey, Ollie, “it claims, “Nice.
kids get in below,”” alright? So, you need to be wonderful to experience. Alright, we are practically done.
with all our Xmas purchasing, however we'' ve definitely had.
– And, it'' s hard because.
I obtain her something like, simply enjoyable, or like a game. What do you believe she should obtain? We'' re simply attempting to figure out just the last few things to obtain,.
yet we'' re having a blast. And he'' s having a wonderful time simply looking at all the playthings that he desires, huh? – Yeah. – [Missy] Did you find out.
what you intend to obtain for Finn? – This. – You intend to obtain him that. He'' s like, “This looks.” like a fantastic thing.” Truthfully, purchasing kids.
(laughs) We'' re now in the mall at Macy'' s and we ' ve been getting a lot done. I ' m in fact really feeling pretty great. I assume we ' ll be done Xmas.
Andy somethin''!( laughing)'You ' ve been a really excellent. going shopping companion, '' kay. Ahh, did you guys miss each other? – Yeah.
Oh, you obtained ta tell him that we got all kinds of fun gifts! (Finn babbling) Oh, yeah?
– He'' s so cute. Alright, go play, young boys! -So, I desired to reveal you.
people something genuine quick, that could be providing you a.
little of a sneak optimal of how we'' re designing Ollie. and Finn ' s new shared space. This is one of the items.
that has actually come in the mail, and I did something really.
It connects in and it has a button, and it'' s like truly great and it ' s steel, and it'' s nice.But what I did was I placed a particular kind of bulb in it so it looks like a fire. Look at that, it'' s so awesome.
And I ' m so excited with how. it looks and it ends up.
And I had to, like, get a. couple different dimensions due to the fact that it like didn'' t fit in there at. Yeah, it'' s quite cool.
give a little bit away concerning how we'' re creating.
the room, however I assume you guys are still gon na.
be truly surprised.I love technology
. This is so cool. – [Missy] Young boys, why is.
– '' Reason. Did you guys.
enjoy in your area? – Yeah.
– Yeah. They have been playing.
so much that currently the space that I just had actually completely cleansed, because I simply cleared out.
lots of stuff a few days ago is currently a mess. Huh? (laughing) We are preparing yourself for bedtime. They'' re in their Xmas jammies. (Finn squealing) Yep. (laughing) We'' re reading our stories. We'' ve been checking out.
Captain Underpants once again. We started reviewing that a few months earlier, and we finished like 3 books. – Look, you men! This is my favorite one! – That is a really excellent one. It'' s regarding aliens and.
it'' s pretty interesting, huh? And they really sometimes.
simply drop asleep during it, which I think is very cute.Yep, that
' s an alien. Yet, yeah, we'' re just. having a really fun time.
We were intended to roll. peanut butter rounds today and make cookies, yet Mom simply obtained so busy.
I'' m, I ' d say like 95 % done,
. Xmas is a week away, so it'' s not like I
' m. that prepared. Tomorrow ' s eight days ' til Xmas.
Anyways, I believe we ' re gon na. go on and finish the video, so ensure you offer this.
And we'' ll see you people tomorrow. Do you desire to do the bye-boop because your sibling'' s being rowdy? You'' re gon na miss out on bye-boop!