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Come Christmas Shopping With Me | VLOGMAS DAY 1

Come Christmas Shopping With Me | VLOGMAS DAY 1

(festive techno music) (spoon clanking) (liquid pouring) (spoon clanking) (liquid pouring) (spoon clanking) (bedsheets spreading) – Welcome to Vlogmas Day One. Insert intro. (festive techno music) (sawing) – Timber! – So, we are in the car, I got my mom in the back,
I got Cloester behind me. Gonna need a hand. Oh, there she is. (laughs) – Sorry. – Matt's driving, as per usual. He's the chauffer today. – [Matt] Ha. (laughs) – (laughs) And we just got Tim Hortons. How Canadian of us, I know. I actually have a really odd order. I do a large tea with one teabag chamomile and one teabag peppermint. Try it. It's really good. And that's what I got,
and then we just got some English muffin breakfast sandwiches because we're just celebrating, and also, we didn't have
time to make a smoothie. So, we are heading to the States
today, I'm really excited. We're gonna be doing
some Christmas shopping, getting some decor stuff
for the house and the tree, and we're gonna take you guys along.

So, we're definitely hitting up Target and I don't know what else. There's like this, Matt, that annual Christmas
tree, or, that Christmas store. There's this Christmas
store that we always see when we go to Target, and
it's open all year round, and I feel like we're gonna
have to go to that one. – I think we have to. Because we've never been in.

We just always see, we're like, "Look at this Christmas store!" – Mom, you're gonna laugh. There's… – [Matt] "How much business
do you get in June?" – I just wanna go in there. We pass it… – Christmas is a state of
mind, it's not just a season. – Well, they must be
always jolly in that store. So, all right. Sunny, – [Matt] There's also the Hobby Lobby. – It's a good day for a road trip. Oh, we could go to Hobby Lobby.

Oh, it's so sunny.
– [Matt] It is so clustered. – [Nikole] Hey, Cloe. (laughs) (festive techno music) – All right, so, we just got to Target. We're gonna check what they got. You excited, Mom? (laughs) Is this gonna be another
busy Costco shopping? – [Cloe] Might be. – (laughs) The parking lot is full. Oh, God. Wish us luck. – (Cloe laughs) (festive techno music) – (laughs) I forgot
you're vlogging for me. Cloe. – [Cloe] That's cute. I think maybe she needs a large, though. – Oh, maybe I need a doggy one. (festive techno music) – [Cloe] This isn't Christmas shopping. (festive techno music) – (laughs) – [Cloe] You just bought a robe. – I know, but look how cozy these are. And I like that the sleeves are shorter, so they don't get in the way when you're doing makeup and stuff. – [Cloe] Yeah. – Okay, Christmas decor. – So cute. Great for all the holiday parties. Thank you so much. (festive techno music) I'm trying to figure out a theme.

– [Cloe] That doesn't look like Cashew. – Is that a puppy or a dog? Or a cat? – Oh, that's cute. – [Cloe] Pretty. – Okay, I was looking at this one. – [Cloe] The little ones with that? – [Cloe] Or the blue ones that match? – [Nikole] I think that's kind of cute. To have a mixture? – [Cloe] Mm-hmm. (festive techno music) – [Nikole] A sweater one, right? That's cute. – [Cloe] Mm-hmm. – [Mom] It's nice. (festive techno music) – Okay, so this is my favorite section. This is all the home decor stuff, and they have it set up
to just show you guys what it's gonna look like in your home and (sighs) it looks so Christmassy, so we're gonna probably
find some things here. Let's go shopping. (festive jazz music) – So I've been wanting some
Christmassy bedsheets for a bit and these mistletoe ones are
so cute, and they have a king, and I think it's gonna go with
the bedding we already have.

I might just get an extra
Christmassy pillow to go on top, but, so cute. They have the best decor stuff. Oh, this is cute too. This is cute as well. So, we're nearing the end here. I'm just kind of filling up my cart and then I'm gonna reassess what I'm keeping and what I'm taking, and then we're gonna go to
that Christmas tree store that's open all year round just to see if there's
anything else we see, but honestly, I'm finding stuff. (festive piano music) Can't forget about you. – [Mom] I don't need a cart! (laughs) – I'm a first priority out here, so… – I don't need a cart! – [Nikole] I know.
– [Cloe] I know. – [Nikole] She wanted us to
fit all of our stuff in one. (festive jazz music) – Christmas in a cart! – So we are breaking for lunch. I'm actually starving. And we're going to this place. We came here last time when
we came shopping with my aunt. It's called Corelife
Eatery, and it's so good.

It's right by the Target in Buffalo, but I'm sure it's all over the States. (calm techno music) – [Nikole] Thank you, sir. (calm techno music) – (smacks lips) It's good. (calm techno music) – So, we all got the same thing: the Korean pulled pork bowl, and it's pretty tasty. Oh no. Oh no. The only change I did is, I got quinoa instead of the rice. But there's kimchi in
it, fried egg on top, it's really good. (festive techno music) – Okay, this is the coolest store ever. – So cool. – This is really cool. And it's not even overly
priced or anything. – Oh my God. It's okay, if I see something that I got a duplicate at Target,
we'll return the Target one. Even Matt is having fun in here. (laughs) I'll show you guys these
little ceramic houses that light up. So cute. Look at how cute these are! So, I'm getting two of these. Actually, I'm getting three of them. And they light up. They have a little battery candlelight underneath. So cute.

Only $3.99. Everything is so cute. Oh my God. Love it. I feel like I'm being judged. – [Cloe] Yeah. – This is cute, because this
is kind of like mistletoe that matches our theme. – [Cloe] Yup, totally like a mistletoe. That is not a mistletoe. – [Matt] Yeah, no. – [Cloe] We need a real mistletoe. – We should get a real mistletoe! Look, a little house. – [Cloe] I'm sure you'll find one in here. (festive techno music) – Matt really likes this little snowy guy. – [Cloe] Oh, I loved him
more than I liked him. – [Nikole] He kind of
reminds me of Frozen. – [Matt] Yep. Okay. (festive techno music) – Okay, that was the coolest store ever.

Wasn't that such a cute store? – Yeah, it was nice. Oh, my God.
– The first half. The first half.
– [Mom] The first half, yeah. The second half was… – Yeah, the second half was kind of like a junky dollar store
slash grocery store, but the beginning part… – Was cool. – Yeah, so I saw, I'm gonna be doing a little diffuser thing with this guy that I saw on
someone's account online, and I think it's gonna be really cute. I think we have everything we need to decorate the house
like Santa's village.

It's gonna be so cute, though. Christmas is my favorite
time of the year, so I just am so excited that we're finally getting
Christmas decorations since we don't have any and we've just never really decorated. So this is really fun and exciting, and I'm just excited
to share with you guys. It's really bright and sunny right now, which I'm not complaining, but it's hard to see. (festive techno music) – These are my favorite flavor. It's a dark chocolate chip peanut butter. Gonna stock up. So, I'm gonna grab one of these.

These are really good. I also got a bunch of the frozen cauliflower gnocchi. Every time I see this, I think about when I was a little kid, I had this idea of putting chocolate on a
spoon to make hot chocolate. They stole my idea! I swear, I used to think
about this all the time as an invention. Someone stole it. I'm also getting this for Miss Cashew. Naughty & Nice dog treats. The ingredient list is a little bit long.

Oops, but they're all
stuff that I can pronounce. So I'm gonna give them as a treat. This isn't like an everyday food. (festive techno music) Trader Joe's done. We got all the essentials,
food for the holidays. We'll probably be back. And now we are officially
at max capacity in the car. We said one bag each.

Well, we did do that, but
it's still gonna be tight. I know, a very big bag each. – Never took one bag for the car. – They're hefty bags. – (laughs) Sorry! They did not have the dog
advent calendar though, which we were really sad about, for Cashew, because I
got one for Matt and I. They were only 99 cents, but I wanna get one for Cashew now, so I might look online or something to see if I can get something for her. We shall see. (festive techno music) So it's safe to say that
we went a little crazy. I've just kind of laid everything out. I'm gonna wash these flannel
sheets for our guest, or, sorry, for our master bedroom. And it's looking pretty good. I just want to get two more
pillows for the living room, but I might even just swap some pillows that I have in the guest room.

So, we'll see. I just wanted to lay it all
out so I can see what we got, but let me just say, it
was a successful shop. Also, I don't know if
I showed you guys this, but I got some of this
pine-scented soap from Meyer's. I really like this brand,
I have an apple cider one in the bathroom right now for fall, but we're switching over
to Christmas this week, and it's gonna be so exciting.

So, got home, unpacked everything, I'm actually in the guest bedroom, which is this wonderful blue color. It makes me so happy when I'm in here. But yeah, I don't know. Today was kind of crazy, because, I don't know if I've
actually explained this in the beginning, but we've never really
bought Christmas decorations. I think we've bought a pencil
tree and some ornaments for that, but we've
never really gotten full into the Christmas spirit
with decorating our home, just because we've moved a lot. I think ever since I've been on YouTube, I've been in so many different places, so we've never set our roots in one place and, for both Matt and I, Christmas is such a special time.

It's a time where we want to
have friends and family over and just celebrate, and yes, you don't need materialistic
things and whatnot, but we just don't have
any decorations and stuff. So, it feels like I bought, well, we did buy a lot of stuff today, but these are things that, I really try to get
staple, evergreen items that aren't super trendy that I'm still gonna
love for years to come. And, yeah, we are basically
starting from zero. It's like, when you buy a new house and you have to buy all new furniture, I felt that way with the
Christmas side of things and, like I said, it's
just a really magical time of year for me, I always
have such amazing memories growing up around
Christmas and the holidays and I just wanna bring
the holidays into our home because, for me, I work from home and my environment really
does affect my mood. When we decorated for the fall season, it made me so happy to get up and see, wake up to a home that's
decorated in a way that I did it, and the way that I picture fall in my home.

And the same thing goes with Christmas and the holiday season. It's really nice to
make your space your own and something that inspires
you, when you wake up, when you go to sleep,
and I'm just so excited to get the place decorated
for the holidays. And we're gonna be doing Vlogmas, so you'll see all of the different, it's kind of like we're setting
up a studio in the house, but really it's for us, but we're just gonna be
sharing it with you guys. So I'm really excited, but
I don't want this video to make you guys feel like
you need to buy all this stuff in order to be in the holiday spirit. You don't at all. This has just been
something that, for years, I have dreamt of doing, and
I've worked really hard, and we've been in so
many different houses, and this house is finally one that we've been making our own, I don't know how long we'll be here for, but these item will carry
with us to the next place.

So I just don't want you guys to feel like you have to buy all
this materialistic stuff to be happy around the holidays, because you definitely don't and for me, I really did
enjoy the experience. Today was my family, shopping, and just being full-on
into the Christmas spirit, especially at an
all-year-round Christmas store, that was really cool. So, I'm gonna leave all this stuff here, we're gonna be picking up our tree and doing a full decoration of the house which we're gonna show you guys in the next couple of vlogs, so I'm excited to bring
you guys along with that. Hopefully you guys enjoyed today's vlog.

First day of vlog, that looked like 11. First day of Vlogmas. I'm so excited for this month, it's gonna be so much fun just to celebrate the
holidays with you guys. And, before you go, just
to let you guys know, we are 12 days of giveaways, both on my main Instagram account, as well as Cashew's Instagram account. So if you are a dog lover, you can find lots of
goodies on her account, but we're gonna be doing
double giveaways this season, so be sure to follow
both of us on Instagram. I will have links down below, and you guys can enter
into the daily giveaways for the first 12 days of December. So check the links down below. Question of the day today: What is your favorite
thing about the holidays? Is it decorating, baking? Leave me a comment down below, and don't forget to subscribe
so you don't miss out on daily vlogs happening all December long Monday through Friday.

Have an amazing holiday season, guys, and I'm so excited to
kick off the first vlog of Vlogmas. Bye guys! (festive techno music).

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