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Inside The Harrods Christmas Store 2023

Inside The Harrods Christmas Store 2023

I missed the deer in a dome for £1,200 
what a brilliant idea I don't know I'm   not sure about Ethan look at these soldiers 
when does Christmas really start well it is   going to start today and what I'm going to 
be calling is countdown to Christmas here   in London obviously outside iconic herods and 
this is where we are going to start so what   is in store over the next few weeks and let's 
countdown to Christmas I'm going to show you   around some of the famous department stores 
here in London some of the luxury ones like   the one like selfridges Liberty and hopefully 
Harvey Nicks as well and see what they have in   their actual Christmas store a lot of them are 
open from around August time for the tourists so   we're going to see yeah all the bits that you can 
buy for your home but quick question when do you   start putting up your decorations I know a lot 
of Americans will wait until after Thanksgiving   but for me it's around Black Friday and it has 
literally rained for about 2 weeks solid now I   can't believe I'm here a few minutes before 
opening yay so yes The Christmas Store we're   going to look at a little bit of fashion 
and also obviously we'll get some food as well okay I believe it's downstairs Christmas 
world I love the Dior section it's so pretty and   very quickly if you are coming to harrods and you 
have a suitcase you will not be allowed in even   the little wheelie ones there was like two people 
outside who weren't allowed in just letting you   know yay and the reason I'm showing you Christmas 
now is because I find by the time I show you like   Christmas decorations to purchase it's too late 
in the day so yeah you want to see it in November   early bird catches the worm and the bougie bauble 
maybe I'll come back here for lunch I don't know   we'll see what time it is but look how cozy this 
is It's So Chic okay let's have a look around the   Harrod's famous Christmas world I'm excited this 
usually gets crazy busy oh my gosh I probably am   just window shopping today because this stuff 
is proper gorgeous okay for example look at   this bougie bauble £28 and they've even covered 
all the pillars with this beautiful decoration   fake foliage I don't know whatever you call it oh 
my gosh where do I go this is overwhelming let's   stick with Craft couture just for a second look 
how Gorge this is really like muted palette I love   anything with little feathers look at that Crown 
do you wear it do you put it on your tree how much   is the Harrod's Crown these days £50 there we go 
treat yourself right and there's always loads of   different Trends and you'll see this we'll also 
go to John Lewis as well oh my gosh how Chanel   going to get her words out Chanel is that for £30 
absolutely stunning and I do find in harrods you   don't see these decorations really anywhere else 
when we go to Liberty you sometimes see the same   ones £1 oh my gosh I'm going to try not to break 
anything oh I love a little Nutcracker is that toy   soldier and a fancy Father Christmas oh my gosh 
with the chandelier look at this display this is   stunning and I vaguely remember last year they 
had these little kind of animals that were yeah   dressed up look at him hold on wait wait wait wait 
wait wait Alice Mary Lynch squirrel on a swing 1,100 obviously I am not their core customerbut 
it costs nothing to look oh my God I can't believe   that oh my gosh all right how much is a little 
birdie we got a birdie there for £36 so yeah oh   my God I love it I kind of wish this was more of 
a trend when you had kind of wired ribbon that   went around your tree I feel like we had that as a 
kid you need quite a lot though and at £89 I don't   like that this table has got like The harrods 
Branding if you've watched my videos you know   I love a little bit of VM a little bit of extra 
moments but what have we got over here what's   this one called oh wow I really like this Royal 
element with the green and the burgundy I feel   like burgundy is everything at the moment I love 
it in home and fashion all the Land Rover people   are going to want something like this how much is 
a little Land Rover that is £8 I missed the deer   in a dome for £1,200 quick add it to your basket 
I love me a feather as I say 10 for a couple of   gold feathers I'm sure they're beautiful though 
little bit out my price point not going to lie a   lot of my decorations are from the John Lewis sale 
and there's nothing wrong with that yeah there's   loads of this this is a thing an elephant couple 
for nearly two grand and as a pan down oh my gosh   that one hasn't even got a price on it but it's 
much bigger so I dread to think how much that is   but yes how harrods have got everything bougie 
you could even manage imagine Joanna Buchanan I   remember this from last year she is obviously a 
top top tier little knickknack extraordinaire I   love gangs and little things oh my God how cute is 
that he's adorable okay oh if I can stand him up   stay there mate what are you you are I show the 
brand sometimes so you can Google I'm not going   to attempt to pronounce that how much is he price 
price price o okay just going to put you there I'm   going to have to film this one in 0 5 look at this 
look at all the gold oh my gosh I'm sure a lot of   people watching this will love this look at this 
this is absolutely stunning oh wow £34 so you kind   of get in a gist of the pricing of things in here 
even if you get like one or two or'll collect them   over years I know a lot of people watching this 
do that and hopefully they'll have the touristy   harrods baubles and things as well which I'll show 
you in the other room I mean who does not need a   monkey candelabra or what whatever they're called 
o does that go on the top of your tree wow they   have so many beautiful gold ones I don't even 
know how people come up with the ideas of this   but yeah are you a gold person are you a silver 
person I find everyone has a preference or do you   mix it I've got what have I got on mine I've got 
like a golden pinky tree which I will put up like   I say on the weekend of Black Friday I love these 
stockings they're cute with the beading on guilty   pleasures is what this gold theme is called and I 
love that I'm looking for something a little bit   different to last year now I don't remember any 
of this type of things last year I will link my   videos or vlogmas from last year as well if you 
if you want to kind of get ahead and see be a bit   inspired for Christmas but peacocks I'm telling 
you guys peacocks have been around for quite a few   years now in the Christmas decoration Trend and it 
is definitely not going anywhere even like some of   the gems these feel very new I love that and again 
that bougie brand stunning oh £50 don't drop it   now what is your opinion on crackers okay guys in 
my family we do them but we buy them in the sale   because they're just a bit of fun and I personally 
am not someone who would spend hundreds of pounds   so for 109 pound you get a few of these little 
cooking knickknacks are they silverplated no   they're just okay all right I would use the silver 
measuring cup from a g&t how many did you get six   can I count yes there's six and the little kind 
of Saucy sexy lace one up there is very pretty   isn't it a minute these are the really fancy ones 
I feel like last year they didn't have prices on   anything so kudos harrods for popping prices on 
things right okay so for £750 let me get this a   little bit more in the light it is okay it's got 
an aspinal heart key ring on it that's a really   lovely brand and a few other brand things as well 
oh they're all branded and 50 voucher so is that   worth it they have forever crackers let me scoot 
behind this pole here so you literally make your   own one but they don't pop so what's oh I don't 
know I'm not sure how I feel about that music okay and then we have some wreaths as well 
this beautiful 18 in wreath for £349 and   let's have another Trend what have we got here 
we've got some outdoorsy Caravan things going   on and even some Walking boots Scout about 
that was not what I was expecting but yeah   lots of outdoorsy things oh my gosh oh they're so 
great at displays aren't they absolutely stunning   I said stunning about 50 times hold on a minute 
what is this oh my gosh I love me a felt animal   that is adorable £75 I was thinking maybe I 
get that but I can't really afford that does   it go on your tree hold on a minute how does 
that work little boats Fish dinosaurs you know   that well-known thing that you see when you're 
out and about in the wild little log oh my gosh   and the music I'm going to have to try and talk 
over it in the background is a Vibe oh look at   the little car with the presents what animal 
is that it's a squirrel for £1,400 [Music] oh my gosh this is my favourite thing already 
I love these look how cute they are we will see   more felt animals Liberty are particularly good 
at having a a strong selection of the cute little   critters and why not I mean they must sell a 
lot of them there's loads of these things I   love all these wall bays and they have all of the 
little moments from that particular Trend and are   you have an advent calendar we're going to keep an 
eye out for Advent calendars I feel like the fancy   luxury ones have kind of died a little bit in the 
last couple of years everyone used to fight for   the beauty Advent calendars but you've got some 
little wooden toy knick-knacks up there there's   a music box oh gosh these are so funny I feel like 
things are getting more quirky every year a little   mince pie oh what's this one honestly you could 
spend thousands I'm sure people do please admire   with your eyes wait what are these are these no 
they're not sugar right but hold on a minute four   £95 guys I feel like an absolute povvo here but 
hey this is crazy I think I forgot how bougie   all of this is It's the world of the day bougie 
look at these soldiers they are amazing could   you imagine those having them outside your I 
don't know your door or maybe at the bottom   of your stairs I don't have either I don't have 
stairs I live in a flat what we got here a gold   Soldier there for two grand don't worry it comes 
in another color I think I prefer that color it's   very very Regal isn't he then we have London 
Calling I feel like they shouldn't have put   this by the tills it's going to get crazy busy 
surely this will be a very popular one oh these   are so fun aren't they so oh that doesn't feel 
very har does it oh they're quite cool actually   I totally would wear those but yes you can get 
all your London knickknacks that's quite cool um   John Lewis are quite good at selling this type of 
thing as well subscribe guys and you will see more   £24 for that it's kind of normal price and even 
coronation one I know you guys love everything   to do well not everyone uh to do with the Royals 
£34 so just to give you a couple of the prices   look at their little faces that's so funny I 
really like that for £25 so yeah you can get   all the kind of icons Big Ben or Elizabeth Tower 
whatever you want to call it I saw this one this   one looks so nice probably yeah my favorite of 
this section and yes for the royalists out there   you can go full on I think it's nice to maybe 
get like one I know some people tend to to put   these that's £42 on like a door handle just as a 
little moment but yes uh I would assume these are   probably going to sell quite quickly and then on 
the flip side they have Coca-Cola ones gosh I I   should have watched my videos from last year 
I don't remember I feel like as a kid in the   '90s it was not Christmas until the holidays 
are coming Coca-Cola advert I don't know do   people feel that way about adverts now probably 
not because we all watch streaming services but   if you want to get your maybe get n Natalie 
my sister those are quite a nice little gift okay and then we have the Cumbria Crystal baubles 
as you can see the price range look at these and   I assume yes they can be personalized how 
pretty are those we will pop into the other   room which has the slightly more accessible 
price point baubles I should say [Music] I love these sparkly crackers but I adore these 
with a little kind of sparkly berries on this   type of thing just reminds me of the '90s I Love 
It I feel like my mum used to buy bits like this   but definitely not 109 for an egg cup I'll 
wait for the sale ones in Tesco nothing wrong   with that they're just a bit of fun but they are 
beautiful aren't they and then we have Cosmic so   there's actually a huge Cosmic Trend in fashion 
as well keep your eyes out for jeans with little   Diamonte things on that's definitely coming 
through oh my gosh that's stunning but yeah   lime green with purple that is kind of fun to be 
honest with you it's not as big of a section but   look at this one of my nieces who is five is a bit 
obsessed with space these days oh look you can get   one how much is he he is £34 so they're all around 
the same price it's quite simple it's got like the   little tinsel inside that is beautiful I feel like 
you could have that up all year round these 18 in   Christmas trees are definitely a thing I remember 
them last time but yeah 3400 what have we got here   disco oh I love it so they were the crackers 
that we saw oh Studio 54 they have done such   an exceptional job of VM obviously have come very 
early in the season so not sure what what would be   left if you come the Disco days this does remind 
me a little bit of the personality that you see   at Liberty get yourself a little sparkly boot oh 
my God that's really really cool little champagne   a microphone I'm actually going to Lucky Voice 
karaoke with my friends in a few weeks time for   Christmas nice to see the variation let me know 
in the comments guys which trend is your cup of   tea I did get a sneak of sages the other day and 
they had quite a lot of things that were to do   with candies like giant candy canes so stick 
around for that one oh that's so fun look at   the giant bows I've not seen these kind of things 
before £24 do you clip them on or you just have   hang them they are really nice I don't remember if 
I showed you these last year but I remember them   being relatively decent value $7.95 I feel like 
cards are expensive but obviously that's all of   them together these beautiful like pop up build 
yourself ones and then there are these snow globe   ones I bought these before $9.95 look I know 
it's a tener but I feel like cards are about   four five quid anyway and they're a bit boring so 
yeah definitely pop in here I think they're quite   reasonable I adore these I always try to get like 
little London related one so for 550 pack of five   they are cute like I know you can get like super 
cheap ones um elsewhere but I do love a London   one that's quite sweet isn't it although this is 
countdown to Christmas I feel like I'm not quite   ready to buy stuff I know I'm going to edit this 
and be like damn I should have bought stuff so I'm   going to have to have a do a quick whiz round and 
they always have this kind of more Kitty end with   lots of different paper decorations how cute would 
these be I mean I don't bake but I assume they   would look very good on some cupcakes and look 
at the little mini crackers I think that's more   my kind of thing £25 these are definitely me oh 
my gosh my nieces would love these are you joking   but yeah the kind of paper trend is a bit smaller 
now but I still absolutely love it and then I've   also got to show you this corner McKenzie Childs 
that's a brand it's obviously a very beautiful   brand and they're kind of known for this wonderful 
checkerboard design and they also have different   tartans you can get a massive bauble ornament for 
629 and all the other oh God there's a massive one   oh should we see how much this one is oh 629 I 
try not to kick it as I walk past look at that   wreath 689 it is absolutely massive but yeah 
they always integrate like some kind of print   which I really kind of love oh this feels new 
definitely look at these holly leaves with like   the white edging it's almost like a bit of a puff 
print or something like that for500 that's really   cool and then you got the little BBL as well okay 
I need to acknowledge what is a bsuble b a u b l   e testing myself there that is otherwise known 
as an ornament in a lot of other countries but   yes I always get comments and even now people are 
like what's she saying bull ball like what is it   and then there's always loads of replies of Brits 
being like Oh no that's like the hanging ball b a   u b l e and if you're thinking Hannah those those 
wreaths aren't premium enough for me I've got a   bigger budget you have Neil strain who is a very 
famous flourists in the city and all around and   for $795 look at that beautiful wreath there's 
also this Garland going around for 1750 trying   to get it all in the shot look at this pillar 
I love that burgundy so much this one is even   bigger with a little tassel I can't see a price I 
dread to think but look at this display even the   Roses those balls oh my gosh okay I think I have 
shown you all of the trees let's see what else   we can find oh guilty pleasures and it spelled 
differently I didn't realize that okay let's   go into the harrod's gift shop and just see if 
there is anything oh there is okay you also have   got Christmas in the main kind of tourist area as 
well this is the stuff that you review on my first   Christmas 2023 and I'm going to just show you a 
price comparison to the main room that we were in   oh if I could see that that is £30 I mean oh gosh 
it's not Smash It Hannah wow these are beautiful   I don't remember these last year I keep saying 
that but I think they have done a lot on product   development look at this little teapot oh my gosh 
they're very delicate um oh gosh everyone's going   to I'm going to just show you a couple of prices 
£40 so gosh they are extra special don't smash   them I did hear a massive smash earlier so oh dear 
but yes you've got this little Red Robin I love   things like that the kind of like traditional 
old school Christmas I feel like I just had to   queue to get to this section it was busy but for 
example like this one is £15 and it's got harrods   written on it so it is a price tier or two down oh 
that's quite cute isn't it so if you are looking   for something I don't know maybe you need like 
a harrod's gold bar in your life or this one I   love this kind of off-white and kind of almost 
like a old printing version of harrods on the   outside and it looks like they have got basically 
the same packaging as last year I guess if it's   not broke don't fix it and I will be back for the 
food Court another time I've realized in the past   when I vlogged how it's just too much stuff for 
one video like this is enough just to show you   the decorations to get you in the mood and I must 
ad here guys I'm going to like hide behind it I'm   like so excited for Chrismas now this is getting 
me in such a festive mood and you will start to   see baubles in here that have got harrods written 
on them it's just a really nice thing uh to do and   they definitely have kind of done a tear up from 
the plain ones which we'll get to look at the   beading on that how much is that £18 so I think 
you can get anything from about 5 to 38 on a board   oh what is this yes this is what I'm talking about 
so like the Red Robin the little accent red oh my   God I'm telling you red is like the color of the 
season I know it tends to be an Autumn winter but   even for fashion but if you want to get a little 
harrods 2023 Bauble oh that's so stunning and then   they also have like different designs that's 
quite cool so whatever your fancy is it will   keep in with your tree that you may already have 
so an apron £25 that's quite cool isn't it and I   do love me a tea towel and I like that it's got 
the little harrods tab on it that's really nice   how much is a tea tow two tea tows for 2 I think 
that is pretty good actually okay I think I've   shown you some of the main stuff oh hold on we've 
got a little Harrods 2023 bauble there for £15 and   you can get the set this is definitely new what a 
brilliant idea £40 for four and I'm guessing this   is maybe £3 yes it is £30 for three which I think 
you look depends on what your budget is and then   they've got almost like a little snow globe oh my 
gosh that is encouraging kids to shake and smash   it right oh I forgot they always do it in loads of 
different colors name a color and they have it oh   I'm not sure about this this is the Christmas Bear 
he is called Ethan he is 12 in and he is 40 pounds   he's really soft but he's kind of giving like 
football supporter I don't really like this I'm   sorry harrods the jumper is cute I don't like the 
color red it's very I don't know it's a bit muted   for me I I know I lot of people collect them cuz 
they then have the year on the foot which is super   cute but I don't know I'm not sure about Ethan 
wait wait wait wait wait what is this oh my gosh   how did I walk past it £35 a Christmas Shopper bag 
that is cool and the strap is actually long enough   to use that £35 oh it has got zip hold on a minute 
okay it's it's got like a semi hard base and a zip   yeah I think it should I think it should be 30 but 
that is really cool oh and there's a mini one stop   oh it's a little bit crunchy but actually I guess 
it's got a bit of a metallic print on it that's   adorable oh my gosh imagine like you could put 
your lunch in it again it's got a little zipper   how much is the mini one the mini one is £30 oh 
I don't know about that that should be 25 but hey   okay Ethan I don't like your hat but what have we 
got a little mug made in England that's adorable   how much is that I think all their mugs are about 
30 quid actually a little snow globe and you can   always get a little decoration for your tree and 
he has got his own little bag see you can get the   peacock stuff in the really bougie area but also I 
mean it's still 20 odd quid but I love the peacock   Trend but yes we are down lower ground and then 
that is the rest of the tourtist Shop there's a   lot a lot to look at are you baubled out yet this 
will be the last one look at this St running hand   painted From the Inside Out it says bauble of 
harrods the facade and that is £45 and comes   in a gorgeous little box as well that is super 
special and I have noticed there is a penguin   a bear and a few other little Christmas gangs as 
well plushies and if you don't have the willpower   to go to the food Hall upstairs they do have some 
of the the the bits and Bobs down here ooh dark   hazelnut cookies so yeah the packaging I don't 
think it's been updated it may have I think this   line drawing might be new get yourself a Ultimate 
Christmas pudding for 25 pounds but something I   wanted to show mince pies are a bit of a a debate 
in my family so for6 you can get is that six or   is that five I think that might be five or is 
that four mince pies and you don't necessarily   want a full box so that's quite good obviously an 
expensive way of buying them you can get probably   about three packs of that down Aldi but yeah you 
can get all your kind of preserves we have a vegan   Christmas pudding there for £15 then some of the 
sets always good for present these are gingerbread   men little tin you could use a tin after Christmas 
espresso spiced salted caramel shortbread again   I'm kind of hungry not going to lie and then all 
the little sets and you can also get some of these   bits and bobs at Heathrow airport and gatwick 
as well this is kind of weird because only a   few videos ago oh no was it my last video I was 
literally flying to Florida and I think I showed   you how it so yeah you'll see some of those kind 
of dry long life Goods in those stores as well I   did my best I hope you enjoyed that I yeah I'm so 
excited for Christmas now but I am really thirsty   I need to get a drink I'm also really thirsty 
for the engagement on this video so please can   you give it a thumbs up I'd really appreciate 
it I just popped back along to a harrods social   but it's not open yet cuz it's still before 12 
it's so cute all right I'll show you the menu   I know I've shown you this before but it's yeah 
definitely not a brunchy place they've got some   good stuff I think this is honestly like the most 
reasonable priced place in here like the shop fit   that they've done on on this or the restaurant 
fit I should say it's really nice I literally   want to show you everything but even look at the 
retail fit in this wine and beer alcohol section   I've vlogged it many times it's so stunning look 
at that look at the shelves look at this photo   opp oh my gosh and the main escalator area it's so 
cool I think there'll probably be like decorations   on here when you come for me the Christmas Spirits 
flow as early as September so what I was saying   earlier about luxury advent calendars the harrods 
beauty one is actually in my opinion probably one   of the best ones it still is it's 250 but you get 
like it's like over 1000 worth of stuff and I do   think the products that you get are all really 
really good quite often in these fancy calendars   they are a bit rubbish but yeah I think this is a 
really nice one it's quite nice to physically see   one in person yeah the drawers are beautiful the 
other one that I I've bought in the past is the   Liberty one but but yeah I do think some people 
maybe don't see the value in them anymore cuz   they used to always be sold out I think when 
you're trying to have 25 products that appeal   to the masses when it comes to like skincare and 
Beauty it's actually really difficult to pick the   product so yeah do have a look I I actually think 
this one's a really good one this year I'm going   to try and inspire you to come in here and have a 
trip around the Christmas store and then grab some   champagne I've not been to this bar obviously 
it's not open because it's like 11 o'clock in   the morning but it's kind of cute you're within 
the kind of beauty makeup area but it gets super   super busy it's not that many seats but I will go 
at some point maybe when I come next time but yeah   it is a very popular one I'm like a moth to the 
flame when it comes to the Harrod's food haul I   can't resist I wanted to come to the coffee bar 
but there's quite the queue I don't know if I've   got time to wait but yes that is quite a vibe 
to sit there and have a have a coffee oh my God   I literally want to buy everything I'll do this 
in another video oh I'm just going to maybe pick   up some food for lunch it's not quite lunch yet 
otherwise I'd eat in oh my God God look at those   this is countdown to Christmas not actual 
Christmas so I'm not going to show you this   whole busy area yet stay tuned as the restaurants 
aren't quite open and I want more than a coffee   I'm actually going to finally finally get the 
rotisserie lunchbox for £10 so let's see what   this is all about but yes you've got this 
grab and go Section um oh my gosh it looks amazing so you get two sides some of the chicken 
there was like schnitzel thing you could get beef   or you could get ham if you didn't want the 
hot side you also could get the salad if you wanted remember they don't have bags guys so she 
put it in this kind of heat thing so hopefully   it be all right but yes we will be back another 
time goodbye harrods I think that might be the   don't think people realize you need to change 
your settings so remember you're going to get   Christmas in 4k including a roast dinner here 
and there subscribe for more yes next Friday we   might be at sages we might be at Liberty I'm not 
sure where I'm going to go but we will we'll be   back to see the extra decorations and remember 
comment below guys when do you start putting   your Christmas decorations up but if you are 
a Christmas fan stick around every Friday at 6   p.m.

I'll be doing videos and come and say hi over 
on Instagram I'm going to post like what's coming   and some fun pictures from the city but anyway 
I'm waffling on I feel like this is long enough   going to get an Uber and eat my roast dinner 
for lunch um I will see you next Friday bye guys here here.

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