Das große Ö3-Christmas-Shopping 2018

This is one of the most
wonderful times of the year! Once again, together with the Austrian Chamber of Commerce
and the Federal Trade Division, we are able to present a beautiful tradition to the Ö3 listeners. This is the big Ö3 Christmas shopping
and has already become a beloved
tradition for us and our listeners. We pay
the bills for your Christmas shopping throughout December. And it doesn't matter
whether it's the latest smartphone, a new pair of skis, or
the Christmas goose. We pay all the bills. But only if they are from Austria.
This means if the purchase was made in your store or online store
. It starts on November 23rd. All you have to do is shop and then send the invoices to us.

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This is really quite easy. Exactly ! Just take a photo of the bill with your cell phone … like this… without Gabi, even though she's very pretty, and then upload the photo. You can even do it while shopping. or from home somehow with
the laptop on the couch or in front of the PC
or something like that. or as always of course by fax or post. What do we do with the gift now? Pass along! From December 1st to 22nd,
Monday to Saturday, we will draw from the
invoices sent in and pay them. More information is available online. Now I don't really have
much left to say, except perhaps: The big Ö3 Christmas shopping will be sensational again this year. The pre-Christmas stage belongs to you and Austrian retailers! Together with Ö3 we can, yes we are allowed to, make a lot of people in the country particularly happy. I wish you a
successful Christmas business and therefore a successful Advent season, and at the very end I wish you
and your loved ones a peaceful and peaceful

As found on YouTube